The Incredible Shrinking Krista

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I reached a personal best!

Dedication is showing up to work out when it is 48* outside, and pretty much no heat in the building.  I say this because our normal 5:30 class is jam packed, we have to share equipment, pair up, and half of us have to start the WOD in the middle so we aren't using the same equipment at the same time.  yesterday?  Not an issue at all.  There were 8 of us there, and we could choose between 2 different WODs.  4 of us did each.

When I got there I was feeling a bit better and knew that the workout would make me feel better but I had no idea how much better.

Observation #1--doing pull-ups, knees to Elbows or anything that requires hanging from the bar, when it is cold...SUX!!!  I must get gloves, and soon, because just hanging there hurt.

This week at the box we are working on strength skills and finding our max.  Yesterday we did back squats.  It was the first time I have ever done back squats, so I was scared to death.  Add to that that Tyler said I could share with Shaade and Megan, both amazing and far stronger than I am, and I was a bit freaked out.  First of all, we were using the heavy bar (45#) and I always use the 20# (learner) bar.  Then they added a 10# plate to each side so we were starting at 65# for back squats.  I was scared to death, but I pulled it off.  5 back squats at 65#.  That felt good, and, I don't know, empowering?  Next round was 4 back squats, another 10# plate on each side, so that was 85#, and I did it.  Now for 3 back squats, add another plate to each side, now 105#.....and I did it.  Add some more weight, this time 5# to each side, so 2 back squats at 115#, and I did those too.  Now, we were down to 1 final back squat, and Shaade took off the 5# plates she had added the round before and replaced them with 10# plates, 125#.  Could I do a back squat at 125#?  Surely not.....but I did.  and it didn't hurt, it felt freaking great!!!

Now it's time for the WOD.  There were 2 to choose from, both the same concept, just different focus.  I did WOD 1 which was as follows:
10 Power Cleans (rx was 75#, I did 65#)--1 Push Press (65#)
9 Power Cleans (65#)--2 Push Press (65#)
8 Power Cleans (55# from here on)--3 Push Press
7 Power Cleans--4 Push press
6 Power Cleans--5 Push press
5 Power Cleans--6 Push Press
4 Power Cleans--7 Push Press
3 Power Cleans--8 Push press
2 Power Cleans--9 Push Press
1 Power Clean--10 Push Press

I finished in 11:29.  That was tough, and still today, I feel like my shoulders are going to shred at any moment. It was brutal but good.  I wish I had had time for the 2nd WOD, which would have been fun too:
10 Wall Ball Shots--1 Wall Ball Sit Up
9 Wall Ball Shots--2 Wall Ball Sit Ups
8 Wall Ball Shots--3 Wall Ball Sit Ups
so on and so forth until:
1 Wall Ball Shot--10 wall ball sit-ups

It felt so good to go work out, even though at first I didn't want to go.  I found a new personal best.  I didn't finish dead last for the first time in a LONG time, and I got the opportunity to cheer on some of my favorite people who always cheer me on.  It is nice to get to return the favor.  It feels good to be able to give back to those people what they always give to me.

There won't be a WOD tonight, it's my running day.  I'll be heading out at 9:00 with my next door neighbor for a run at 9:00.  My goal tonight is to maintain a consistent interval.  I am running in my neighborhood, so it'll be run to the next drive way, walk to the next drive way.  Run to the next, walk to the next.  I'm wondering if by doing this consistently from the beginning I can maintain a more steady pace and maybe make it further than I did last week.  I'll post once I'm done.


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