The Incredible Shrinking Krista

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Can you do me a favor?

I have always had a tendency to sabotage myself.  I am not sure why, I don't know of some deep-seeded reason for this, it is just my current reality and something I am working on....

In the mean time, can you, as my blog readers help to hold me accountable?  One of the reasons I started this blog was to hold myself accountable.  I'm especially going to need this as it pertains to my half marathon training.  When I am intimidated by a goal I have set, I tend to cower in the corner until it's too late to seriously work toward completion of that goal.  I then use lack of training and/or preparation as my explanation for failure.

Can you please help me stay accountable?  If you see that I haven't checked in in a while, please shoot me a message and ask how it's going.  I won't feel like you are hounding me at all, I may well need the kick in the pants that your e-mail, fb message or phone call would give me.

Thanks ladies!!

Princess Biscuit


  1. Deal! Doing that 5K with me next month would be a start! :)

  2. Just posted on the CF forum, that's how I found your blog!

    It's mostly about post workout recovery.. made a HUGE difference! You got this!

    1. Thanks for your post, Alicia, both here and in the forum. I was just talking with the owner of my box last week about supplements because I wasn't taking any either. I haven't started yet, but I'm headed in that direction.

  3. Thanks so much for adding your blog to my hop! ;) Hang in there gal!

  4. Way to go with that 1/2 marathon!
