The Incredible Shrinking Krista

Saturday, March 19, 2011

WOW~~Thought provoking quote from Ruby Gettinger's book

Okay--so as a woman who has always seen myself as being overweight (even when I really wasn't) I have been frustrated by the struggle to be "thin".  My grandmother, as a show of suppport and love once told me that if God had intended me to be skinny, I wouldn't have to work so hard at it.  It hurt my feelings at the time, and I have often wondered why I had to be the one that was overweight.  Well, Courtney, from the Aqua team on Biggest Loser this year, just posted this quote from a book written by Ruby Gettinger.  The quote was awe inspiring and thought provoking at the same time.  I had never consciously thought of this , but it is making me think now....HEre is the quote:

"Sometimes I wonder what I might say if God came to me tomorrow and asked, "If you could go back in time & I could make you fat or small...what would you choose?" Well, the answer just struck me and I know it to be true. I would say I'd rather be the same, Lord. I choose big. I know that sounds crazy beause I am spending every second of my life fighting to get small. But I truly believe being overweight has made me a better person. It has let me sit back and observe things, see people for what they are. It has made me not take things for granted; I appreciate every single thing in lifeso much because of it. Really I do. I see beauty all around me because I have had to sit out on the sidelines for so long. It's a hardship, yes, but the view from those sidelines is also beautiful. Most people are too busy running around, never taking the time to stop, think, or feel. I do. I have. And it's because of my size that I have done this. I don't judge people; I love them unconditionally because I try to see what's beyond their shell. Walking in the shoes I've walked in has made me a better human being. So yes, God, I thank YOU for giving me this challenge and this gift. I don't see it as a curse like some people might. I see it as a BLESSING. It is good to have been where I have been, good to be where I am now, and good to be going where I know I'm headed. Plain & simple -- it's good to be ME!" ----R.G.

Now--I can't say that I totally agree, because I would love to have never had this particular struggle in my life, but her perspective is one that I certainly share.  I have had more than one boyfriend in my life express concern about my losing weight because of the attention that they feel I would garner as a healthy, attractive woman.  I have always felt that, for example Barney, who loved me and married me even has an overweight woman deserves just as much love and respect even if others begin to express interest after I have been successful in this "battle of the bulge".  I'm not just going to all of a sudden walk away from Barney and the love and respect he has shown me for the last 9 years just because I'm getting attention from folks who wouldn't have given me the time of day as I am right now. 

I will say that I feel like I have a better understanding of who people truly are, because I know that people who are interested in talking to me are genuinely interested in me and knowing ME because they aren't interested in me just because of my looks.  So I do know a bit about who people really are. 

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