The Incredible Shrinking Krista

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

4 months Post-Op--a day early

So I am a day before my 4 month surgiversary, but I figure I'll make the most of my snow day and down time.

First, I had two pretty huge achievements today, so I immediately thought I needed to post an update.

The first big huge victory for today, is that I got on the scale and I am officially smaller than my husband has ever seen me.  The smallest I have been since we were married was 211 pounds, 6 months after our 2nd child was born, and while i was breast feeding.  As soon as I stopped nursing, I literally gained 30# in 30 days, right back up to 241 pounds, and never below that again since.  Today, I weighed in at 210.6 pounds.  I have hoped since I had this surgery that I would be below 200# for my 39th birthday, which means 11 pounds in the next 4 weeks, which I really believe is totally doable.

After getting weighed, I went looking for comfy and warm PJ's to put on for the snow day.  I was out, so I decided to see what happened if I pulled some of Barney's PJ pants out.  I still outweigh him by about 45 pounds, but believe it or not, his NC State PJ pants and t-shirt fit perfectly.  This is a huge deal for me.

So weighing in at 210.6 pounds, means that I have lost 58.2 pounds since beginning this process.  I am averaging 2.56 pound per week lost, and haven't really been working out enough. According to the weight loss app I am using, I'm 43.5% of the way to my goal in 24.61% of the time I have given myself to complete it.  My BMI has gone from 49.2 to 38.5.

Finally, I nearly got caught up in the excitement that is Run Disney.  Yesterday, some of my groups I am in on Facebook started posting about Waivers and Bib Numbers for the Glass Slipper Challenge being available.  Out of curiosity, I went to look, and even though I have cancelled my registration, and received a refund, there was a waiver and a bib # for me.  I got caught up in the excitement and for a few minutes seriously considered showing up and trying to pick up my bib.  The reality is, though, that since I have gotten a refund, that would be stealing, and it would be wrong to do so.  So, today, I called Run Disney to let them know that it was out there, so that they could pull the bib, and it felt really good to be honest about it.  The girl indicated to me that she had gotten a pretty detailed explanation of what had happened from her supervisor, but that they appreciated my honesty, and would take care of the problem.

So, To revisit my 2013 racing goals, I am looking at 3, maybe 4 races this year.  I will be doing Rock 'n Roll Raleigh on April 13 (my goal is to average a 14 minute mile for the duration of the race).  I will be doing the Rock 'N Roll Chicago on July 20th (my goal is to be at my goal weight, and average 12 minute miles throughout).

There is a small possibility that our family vacation will be at Walt Disney World in November, over Veteran's Day weekend, that being the case, if I end up registering, I will have a goal of completing that race with an average of a 10 minute mile.

There is also our local race the first weekend of June, the 10th year of the race, and they are adding a 10k for the race, in addition to the 5k.  Also, In a small town near here, there is an Esprit de She 10k race on June 26 which I may run.

I feel like most everything is falling into place now.  I feel like I am finally starting to see the results that I had hoped for.  My life is on track, and I am getting where I want to be.


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