The Incredible Shrinking Krista

Friday, March 22, 2013

UGH! Birthday WODs SUCK!!

So, I don't know if every CrossFit Box does this, but at CrossFit APX, when it is your birthday, you apparently get to write the WOD (I didn't get to because I was out for a month around my birthday, so I'm not exactly sure of the process).  At any rate, Today was John's birthday, and he was turning 49, which is reason for a WOD from Hell!!! 

First, we took 10 minutes to find our 1 rep max push press, one of my favorite lifts.  Tonight we didn't have to clean the bar to get it into position, we racked it, which meant I was able to do a lot more weight than normal.  I ended up maxing out at 135#.  I attempted 140# and got it over my head, but not locked out, so it doesn't count. 

Now for the WOD....ugh!!

49 ab-mat sit-ups
49 walking lunges
49 jumping pull-ups
49 kettle bell swings
49 knees to elbows
49 burpees

***Once we got done with the burpees, we were to go back up the ladder, so 49 Knees to elbows, 49 kettle bell swings, 49 jumping pull-ups, 49 walking lunges, 49 ab mat sit-ups.

I made it to the end of the burpees, and sat down on the box I was using to put my hands on.  There was a 30 minute limit to the WOD, and after finishing the burpees, I was already at 27:30.  Let's be honest, there was no way in hell I was going to get through the rest of the WOD and I was hot, tired, and worn out.  Juice, our new coach said, "Get up, there's nothing happening down there."  I shook my head, told him no and said, "I'm done."  He said, "OK, I guess you're the one that needs to look at yourself in the mirror when you get home."  It was like he had come over and kicked the box I was sitting on.  By the time this happened we were at 29 minutes, so I hopped up, and ended up busting out 25 of the knees to elbows. 

Why do I keep quitting on myself?  Why to I think that is the best I deserve?  I don't know, but I think it's about damn time to find out.  The very best part of this workout was looking to my side and seeing my husband.  It took me 9 months to convince him to try out CrossFit, and he says after last night, it will likely be another 9 months before he goes back.  He can't bend over, his hamstrings and quads are really screaming at him.  I love having my baby with me and by my side supporting me.  He truly does give me strength to push myself further knowing he is there.


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Quit Planning....Start Doing.....

Last night was my 2nd workout back since the Half Marathon, and it felt really, really good!  I worked out last Monday, and while I was sore for 3 full days and couldn't walk normally, I was glad to be back, but then my children were kind enough to share the tummy bug everyone has been having, and I spent Wednesday afternoon through Saturday in 1 of 2 places, bed or the bathroom.  It was NOT FUN, and it also meant MORE missed WODS which makes me nutty.  Monday morning I packed my clothes to go to the box after work, and sure enough, the chest pain I had started having on Sunday night was still happening, with increasing intensity frequency.  Having 2 friends who have had heart attacks at my age or younger, I decided it would be best to get things checked out.  My initial EKG at the doctors office came back "abnormal" but she felt like it was fine, sent me for a chest x-ray (to check my lungs, and for an enlarged heart) and did blood work.  After leaving the doctor's office, the intensity and frequency continued to increase, so for my own peace of mind, I took myself to the ER to get checked out.  After 8 hours, another EKG, 6 needle sticks, 2 sets of heart enzymes, a blood clotting test and an MRI, I was given a clean bill of health, and told that it was probably stress, anxiety, indigestion, or pulled muscles. 

Now, if you have ever needed motivation to get your ass in the gym for a workout, picture yourself in an ER, 38 years old, with an 8, 6 and 3 year old, and wondering if you are having a heart attack and might die.  I still have to follow-up with the cardiologist this Friday and will be having a stress echocardiogram as well.  The only result that I have gotten back so far that wasn't "good" was my cholesterol.  My total Cholesterol is a bit elevated, as well as my LDL.  The message the nurse left with these, "You definitely need to get the diet and exercise because that is what it takes to take care of this.  Laura wants to see you back 3 months."  Knowing that my heart is currently OK, I took myself back to the box yesterday.  It's time to get really serious about my health and fitness goals.  I have about 120 pounds left to lose, and it's time to take some serious steps. A lot of research has been done over the last few days, and now, it's time to quit planning and start doing!!!

Here's the thing about our new coach, Juice!  As one of the slowest folks in the box, I find that when it is time to warm up and we get told the warm-up and "go" I don't usually make it through the entire warm up.  His way of doing things, and telling us what to do means I don't get left in the dust and I get the entire warm up in.  That is nice!

So yesterday for warm-up, 2 rounds of 20 pass-throughs (move your hands closer every 5), row 200 meters, 10 push-ups and 5 squat jumps.

The rowers are new since my last visit to the box, and while I hate them, I can see that they will help me reach my cardio goals, so I will be using them REGULARLY!!!

500 meter row for time.  This HURT!!!  I started out too fast, and by the time I got to about 225 meters, I was already burn out. I went from an estimated time of 1:40 when I started to just over 3 minutes.  Juice came by and said he wanted me to aim to keep the estimated finish time under 2:25.  I wasn't successful in making that happen, but I did actually finish in 2:14:44, which for my first time, wasn't all that bad. 

Kettlebell Snatches.  UGH!  I've seen these done and they have always scared me.  Never tried one.  Juice told us to use a lighter KB than we usually do to make sure we could do it with good form, and since I was terrified, I dropped all the way down to the 8# orange rubber covered one.  Am I a wuss, in a word, YES!  I was terrified I would drop the thing on my head.  The WOD was 4 KB Snatches (2 with each hand) every 30 seconds for 5 minutes.  So, once I got the hang of it, I bounced back up to my normal 25# KB at right around 1:30. 

3 stations, for me the order was Bench Press (65# for women), broad Jump, Slam Balls (15# for women)  another new piece of equipment since my last trip to the box.  We would do AMRAP of each movement for 1 minute, then have 30 seconds to rotate, keep track of our reps, total them up at the end.  I don't remember what my score for each round was, but I do know that my total number of reps for all 3 rounds was 117.  not amazing, but not bad either. 

I'm pretty sore today, but sore in a good way.  I know I did what I had to to make some changes to my body.  I'm going to be doing a lot more training and cross-training.  I have a few little dreams up my sleeve and will be sharing those as time progresses.  For now, my goal is to get to the box 3x/week, and get to the gym 4-5 times a week to swim, bike or run. 

I weighed myself Tuesday morning as well.  Tuesday mornings will be my weight check-in day going forward, and I will be updating that information over on the Weight check-in page.  I haven't been weighing myself on a regular basis, just trying to make better decisions as time goes on, and eat better food.  As of Tuesday morning, I have lost 20 pounds since January 1st.  That's not quite 2 pounds a week, a very healthy and appropriate amount of weight loss that should be maintainable for a long time.  This is not a sprint, but a marathon, maybe even an ultra for me, but I will get there, and I will maintain it. 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Race Reflections

I have had this post floating around in my head for a few days.

I was looking through a container of crayons, pencils and various coloring implements the other day and came across my Princess medal from 2012.  I haven't really displayed it, because I felt like I hadn't earned it, and was quite frankly ashamed that I even had it in my possession.  Then the other day at work I saw my Diva 5k medal hung proudly in my cubicle.  I got in the car and came across my Battleship Half Marathon medal in the car.  I have a lot of friends that have personalized medal hangars, and special places to display their race medals.  It occurred to me that I have been showing absolutely no pride in my accomplishments, because yet again, I felt what I accomplished wasn't worthy of showing off.  But why???

The fact is, most people at my size, BMI, and fitness level have given up on themselves.  Not only have I not given up on myself, I'm continuing to push myself to accomplish things that people half my size and in far better shape are afraid of attempting.  Was I trained appropriately for my Princess Half Marathon last year (2012), no, but I still showed up, pushed myself, and with Plantar Fasciatis (or however in the world you spell that), IT band issues and a massive ankle spur, made it 2 miles.  I went out and I tried.

I did the Diva 5k in May of last year in 52:15, a little over 17 minutes/mile, which if I had continued training, would have been more than capable of getting my pace to under the 16 minute mile required by Run Disney.

I started doing CrossFit in July, to also make myself stronger.  It has absolutely worked.  I've gone from lifting only a 35# bar, to being able to backsquat 125#.  I can deadlift 225#.  I can lift a lot of weight now, I have been complimented on my form repeatedly.

I intended to train and be ready for this year's Princess, and do a half marathon here locally to get a good finishing time, but yet again, I sabotaged myself, and didn't train.  I went 12-1/2 miles in about 4 hours, and again, while I didn't finish, I am incredibly proud of my accomplishment.

In January I registered for and competed in my first ever CrossFit competition.  My goals going in were to not embarrass the box owner, not finish dead last, and not embarrass myself.  I found myself getting compliments from competitors on both days, spectators came up and told me how impressed they were with my drive and refusal to quit.  I found myself on the "Women of CrossFit = Strong" facebook page, submitted by a friend, and my picture and store were all over facebook for a few days.  It was touching, and inspiring and impressive.  I never saw myself as an inspiration, but I keep getting told that I am one.

Then it was time for the 2013 Princess Half Marathon.  I was starting in Corral D.  I should have had a sizable lead on the balloon ladies/pacers, and I did.  I had about a 25-30 minute lead on them which with my slow pace was only about a mile and a quarter.  I figured I'd have to be moving it, because I would likely see the balloon ladies at mile 6 or 7, but I didn't see them until mile 8-1/2 or 9.  I wish I had had the foresight to turn around and see how many people were behind me.  I understand there were around 1,000 or so people behind me still at that point, but just seeing the balloon ladies put me off my game, and I just gave up on myself.  I let the normal aches and pains that someone should feel at that point get to me, and I sat down on the guard rail at mile 10 and waited for the bus.  I should have kept pushing, but I didn't have the mental strength to do so.

I should be incredibly proud of what I am doing.  A lot of women my size have given up on themselves.  They have quit trying to do anything to change it.  We see them every season on The Biggest Loser, Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition, and similar shows.  I was in that place 2 years ago.  I honestly believed the only way I could possibly lose this weight and regain my life was to go on BL, so I even drove to Orlando to wait in line to get 20 minutes with a casting director hoping I would find myself on The Biggest Loser, season 12.  I am NOT giving up on myself, I continue to sign up for races, I continue to go to CrossFit.  I will continue to push my body to its limits unless and until I get myself to a healthy weight.  I will continue to do whatever it takes to regain my life and the body I used to hate because I didn't understand it.  I didn't understand that my body wasn't mad to be "skinny", but instead, to be rounded, and voluptuous and beautiful.  Now I get it, so I just have to keep pushing myself to find the body that is underneath this layer of fat.  I will find it, however long it takes, and when I do, I will continue to push my body to its limits.  There is a lot of life left in this body, but I won't get a chance to enjoy it if I don't keep pushing to find what it is I can do.  I look forward to being able to run a half marathon and not have to answer the question from my children of, "Do you think you'll finish this time, Mommy?"  or "Mommy, Why didn't you finish?  When will you be able to finish?"  I want to inspire my children, to show them that you NEVER give up, and that we can all do whatever we put our minds to!

Till next time....


Monday, March 11, 2013

And, I'm back

Tonight was my first night back to CrossFit in over a month.  The last CrossFit workout I did was in San Diego, 1 month ago today.  I have missed my workouts, my CrossFit friends and my support system.  Coming back today was bitter sweet.  We have a new coach, Juice, and are losing a coach, Tyler.  Tyler has been there since I started pretty much, so it is going to be weird to NOT see him there every time I go to the Box. 

Tonight was the first time I have worked out with Juice, and we did a really structured warm-up, which was really nice.  For me, being the slow person, a structured workout we all do together is nice, because even though I'm the slowest, I didn't get left in the dust.  When it was time to start our strength wod, I was a little behind the 8-ball.  A few weeks ago, everyone did CrossFit Total to find their maxes on some standard lifts.  I wasn't there, so I don't know what my 1-rep max back squat is and tonight's squats were to be based on a percentage of that maximum.  I started with doing 65# low-bar back squats, and they felt a bit too easy, so I bumped up to 85#, 8 reps, then went to 95#, 8 reps, 115#, 8 reps and maxed out at 125#, 8 reps. 

Our first WOD was to drop back down to our 55% weight, mine that I started with was 85#, and do a 2 minute AMRAP of back squats.  We were asked to try to not re-rack the weight if at all possible.  I didn't re-rack the weight, but I did drop it off my back once.  My goal was to get to 25 reps, and when I reached that, I was aiming for 30 reps.  I ended up at 28 reps in 2 minutes.  Not too bad for my first night back.

The second WOD was 8 minutes, EMOM (Every minute on the minute) 100 meter sprint followed by either 5 dips or 5 push-ups.  I'm not able to do dips with my current weight, and about 10 steps into my first sprint I felt my foot pop!  It hurt, really bad, after that my sprints became hobbling run/walks of 50 meters, instead of 100 meters.  The fact is, though, while I hobbled and it hurt, I never quit.  I never gave up.  I won't again allow myself to give up on a challenge, regardless of pain.  regardless of permission from a coach or a friend.  Regardless of what my brain says.  I will NEVER AGAIN give up.  I've done it way too much in the last 38 years, and it is neither becoming, nor productive, so it won't be happening anymore. 

Tomorrow morning, 6:00AM, it'll be back to the box, and then an evening run once the kids are in bed.  I've got lots of training to do.  I've got a LONG way to go, because I WILL complete 13.1 in 2013. 

Till next time!


Monday, March 4, 2013

Exciting things...

Exciting things are happening for me, and I just HAVE to share.  I have been battling weight and working hard for a long time.  I started CrossFit in July and have worked really hard.  I didn't train as much for my half marathon last week as I should, and if I had, I would likely be much smaller by now, but I also have to get the food part working, or the rest of it will all be in vain.

I have to rest my foot for another week, doctor's orders, but then it is ON!  Running and CrossFit!  Moving my CrossFit workouts to the mornings (only way I can get to go 5x/week) and running 2 evenings/week, and on Saturday or Sunday. 

On January 1st this year, I weighed 269 pounds.  This morning, I got on the scale and it said 250.4 pounds.  Tomorrow will mark 9 weeks since January 1st, and I am down nearly 20 pounds.  That's a little over 2 pounds/week.  If I can keep this pace up, I am on track to lose about 100 pounds this year.  That would put me almost exactly at my high school graduation weight, but much more fit than I was back in the day.  I weighed 165 pounds, but I was not even remotely fit back then....I will be now.  I am about to kiss the 250's good-bye for the rest of my life!  It is finally happening. 

Saturday, March 2, 2013

And the doctor said.....

I went to the doctor yesterday, he redid the x-ray on my foot and ankle and confirmed that there is no fracture.  He suggested that the pain I am having appears to be consistent with tendonitis and is something that is basically an overuse injury.  He recommended taking an additional week-and-a-half off.  He also recommended running every other day, and cross-training on the other days.  He said that if it is painful, Ice and Ibuprofen are excellent options.

I also went online yesterday and found that there are KT tape applications for what I have going on, so when I do start running again, I will be using those to see if they help to minimize my symptoms.

I will be starting Couch-2-5k plan on March 11th and working toward the Quay 5k in June.  I won't run more than 3 miles between now and then, and I am hoping that my hard work will pay off with a 5k time under 40 minutes.  After that I'm going to start doing additional training, speed training, and longer runs, in the hopes of doing the Diva Half Marathon in DC in September.  If and only if I finish the Diva Half in under 3:30 will I consider attempting the Princess Half Marathon again.  I want to have no doubt in my mind that I can and HAVE completed a half marathon in under 3:30.  I will then continue to train to improve for a Half Marathon on Valentine's day in Myrtle Beach.  I would love to have it under 3 hours.


Friday, March 1, 2013

Let's Get Really Honest....

I have been told numerous times that people respect my honesty in my blog.  So I feel like I need to get really honest about the race on Sunday.

I am going to get my foot checked out today to see if there is a stress fracture or not, but the fact of the matter is, I could have finished.  I should have finished.  I saw the balloon lady go past me and I punked out and gave up on myself.  Denise didn't give up on me, she kept telling me not to stop and that I could make it, but she believed in me more than I believed in myself.

No one else has told me that I could have done it, it is a realization I came to last night when talking to my husband.  I told him that I wanted my foot to be fractured because I wanted to have a legitimate excuse to have not finished.  Either way, I psyched myself out and gave up on myself.  When I told my mom this this morning, she agreed, and said that my sister had even said that I could have finished.

This realization is hard, but it has also lit a fire under my ass that has previously been unknown to me.  I spent last night looking for half marathons that I had time to train for and could afford to go to.  I have asked my mom to pay for my race entry to the Diva Half in September in Washington DC/Loudoun County Virginia as my birthday present.  We have friends up there that I would love to see, but more than anything, I NEED TO DO THIS.  I need to finish a half marathon.  I NEED to not give up on myself and punk out.  I need to accomplish this task.  I am on record for saying that I am my own worst critic and have been for years.  The fact of the matter is, when I saw the balloon lady, nice as she may be, I flipped out!  I cried, and I gave up on myself.  I'm sick and damn tired of giving up on myself....It's time to finish what I started.

Please mom, will you pay for my race entry?  I need to do this.