The Incredible Shrinking Krista

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Quit Planning....Start Doing.....

Last night was my 2nd workout back since the Half Marathon, and it felt really, really good!  I worked out last Monday, and while I was sore for 3 full days and couldn't walk normally, I was glad to be back, but then my children were kind enough to share the tummy bug everyone has been having, and I spent Wednesday afternoon through Saturday in 1 of 2 places, bed or the bathroom.  It was NOT FUN, and it also meant MORE missed WODS which makes me nutty.  Monday morning I packed my clothes to go to the box after work, and sure enough, the chest pain I had started having on Sunday night was still happening, with increasing intensity frequency.  Having 2 friends who have had heart attacks at my age or younger, I decided it would be best to get things checked out.  My initial EKG at the doctors office came back "abnormal" but she felt like it was fine, sent me for a chest x-ray (to check my lungs, and for an enlarged heart) and did blood work.  After leaving the doctor's office, the intensity and frequency continued to increase, so for my own peace of mind, I took myself to the ER to get checked out.  After 8 hours, another EKG, 6 needle sticks, 2 sets of heart enzymes, a blood clotting test and an MRI, I was given a clean bill of health, and told that it was probably stress, anxiety, indigestion, or pulled muscles. 

Now, if you have ever needed motivation to get your ass in the gym for a workout, picture yourself in an ER, 38 years old, with an 8, 6 and 3 year old, and wondering if you are having a heart attack and might die.  I still have to follow-up with the cardiologist this Friday and will be having a stress echocardiogram as well.  The only result that I have gotten back so far that wasn't "good" was my cholesterol.  My total Cholesterol is a bit elevated, as well as my LDL.  The message the nurse left with these, "You definitely need to get the diet and exercise because that is what it takes to take care of this.  Laura wants to see you back 3 months."  Knowing that my heart is currently OK, I took myself back to the box yesterday.  It's time to get really serious about my health and fitness goals.  I have about 120 pounds left to lose, and it's time to take some serious steps. A lot of research has been done over the last few days, and now, it's time to quit planning and start doing!!!

Here's the thing about our new coach, Juice!  As one of the slowest folks in the box, I find that when it is time to warm up and we get told the warm-up and "go" I don't usually make it through the entire warm up.  His way of doing things, and telling us what to do means I don't get left in the dust and I get the entire warm up in.  That is nice!

So yesterday for warm-up, 2 rounds of 20 pass-throughs (move your hands closer every 5), row 200 meters, 10 push-ups and 5 squat jumps.

The rowers are new since my last visit to the box, and while I hate them, I can see that they will help me reach my cardio goals, so I will be using them REGULARLY!!!

500 meter row for time.  This HURT!!!  I started out too fast, and by the time I got to about 225 meters, I was already burn out. I went from an estimated time of 1:40 when I started to just over 3 minutes.  Juice came by and said he wanted me to aim to keep the estimated finish time under 2:25.  I wasn't successful in making that happen, but I did actually finish in 2:14:44, which for my first time, wasn't all that bad. 

Kettlebell Snatches.  UGH!  I've seen these done and they have always scared me.  Never tried one.  Juice told us to use a lighter KB than we usually do to make sure we could do it with good form, and since I was terrified, I dropped all the way down to the 8# orange rubber covered one.  Am I a wuss, in a word, YES!  I was terrified I would drop the thing on my head.  The WOD was 4 KB Snatches (2 with each hand) every 30 seconds for 5 minutes.  So, once I got the hang of it, I bounced back up to my normal 25# KB at right around 1:30. 

3 stations, for me the order was Bench Press (65# for women), broad Jump, Slam Balls (15# for women)  another new piece of equipment since my last trip to the box.  We would do AMRAP of each movement for 1 minute, then have 30 seconds to rotate, keep track of our reps, total them up at the end.  I don't remember what my score for each round was, but I do know that my total number of reps for all 3 rounds was 117.  not amazing, but not bad either. 

I'm pretty sore today, but sore in a good way.  I know I did what I had to to make some changes to my body.  I'm going to be doing a lot more training and cross-training.  I have a few little dreams up my sleeve and will be sharing those as time progresses.  For now, my goal is to get to the box 3x/week, and get to the gym 4-5 times a week to swim, bike or run. 

I weighed myself Tuesday morning as well.  Tuesday mornings will be my weight check-in day going forward, and I will be updating that information over on the Weight check-in page.  I haven't been weighing myself on a regular basis, just trying to make better decisions as time goes on, and eat better food.  As of Tuesday morning, I have lost 20 pounds since January 1st.  That's not quite 2 pounds a week, a very healthy and appropriate amount of weight loss that should be maintainable for a long time.  This is not a sprint, but a marathon, maybe even an ultra for me, but I will get there, and I will maintain it. 

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