The Incredible Shrinking Krista

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Official Tri times...

I just got the email with the official times from the triathlon this weekend.  Better than I thought.

200 meter swim time: 12:33
15k (9 mile) bike time: 39:20
2 mile run time: 35:58

A couple of things I noticed
1--I was the slowest person of the day by over 15 minutes....guess how much I care...not a bit!!
2--I went into this expecting it to take me 2 hours, and my total time was 1:27:20
3--If I plan to work toward a half iron distance triathlon in my 40th year, I have a LOT of work to do

Other things that I believe are note-worthy, you may or may not agree....
I am considering going back to school, though I'm not sure for what/when

I have found a new peace internally that makes me comfortable in my skin for the first time ever.  not sure why, or what happened, but I'm really rather enjoying it.

I spend a lot of time helping, encouraging and "being there" for friends of mine, and find it interesting who responds when I need similar help, and who doesn't

My new-found peace has me wondering about going back to school to be a school counselor, to help kids who need a little additional help and encouragement.  I'm wondering if I could be a school counselor or not....hmmmmmm

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