The Incredible Shrinking Krista

Saturday, July 28, 2012

3rd workout in a week

WOD #3 complete, and this is what it looked like as prescribed:

100 jump ropes, or 50 double-unders  (Scaled to 50 for me)
20 walking, lunges w/Medicine Ball (I just had my hands above my head)
15 Kettle bell swings (Mine was 12lb I think)
10 Push Presses (I was using 40#)
10 toe to bars (I did regular sit-ups)
10 mountain-climbers with 2 hand release push-ups, 2 rounds (I did knees to elbows, then the hand release push-ups)

We did this WOD 3 times, the first was as many rounds/reps as possible in 6 minutes, second was 8 minutes AMRAP, and the 3rd was for time.

I just finished it 1x in the first round, 2nd round I got done 1x, plus the jump ropes and squats, and I finished my scaled/modified WOD in 6:45 the 3rd time.  By the time I was done, I was literally dripping in sweat, shaking, and wondering if I would feel better if I got sick.  Anyone who knows me that I have a personal policy against vomiting--so that should tell you how worn out I was.

I've also started to make some changes to my diet, a little bit at a time.  I'm basically trying to make goal-based decisions, rather than, "I want this not that" decisions.  I started to drink sweet tea out of habit.  I poured half of it down the sink and re-filled my cup with water.  I have had nothing but water and that little bit of tea yesterday, and water only today.  In the past, I have always jumped in whole-hog from the get-go, which made me feel miserable and sent my cravings into over-drive.  I'm going to take a bit more of a conservative approach for this time.  I am going to make a change at a time, and as I become more and more comfortable with 1 change, I'll add another.

Can't wait for Monday morning at 6:00 to get my big ass handed to me again...I can't believe how excited I am about these workouts and how they make me feel.  I feel such a huge sense of accomplishment by completing the workout, even though I require scaling and modifications right now.  I will get to the point that I don't require these changes, and I am so looking forward to that day...that and the day I feel comfortable working out in a sports bra only, because dear lord, is it hot!

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