The Incredible Shrinking Krista

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Emotinoal Shift

Well, I said I would be honest even when it wasn't a fun thing to do.  I have been struggling with my mental readiness for a major change in lifestyle for a long time. I really think that the reason that I haven't been successful thus far in making this change is because I haven't been mentally ready for it.  I have to make a major mental shift.  I have got to begin to understand and interact with food in a different way.  I have always viewed food as a friend, a confidant, my only refuge from a bad day.  The reality is, food is FUEL, nothing more.  The purpose of food is to fuel my body for the necessary daily activities.  Food should be fueling my workouts and helping my body to do what it was built to do, which is to move, exercise and function.

I need to get myself in the right place mentally as I begin to take on workouts and make physical changes, I need to delve into the mental part of this change as well.  I have 3 books that are already paid for and downloaded and on my Nook, waiting for me to read.  I have "The Skinny Rules" by my dream trainer, Bob Harper; "Necessary Endings" by the unmatched Henry Cloud; and "The Primal Blueprint" by Mark Sisson.  The next step is to read these books and try to find a workout plan that fits my daily routine and schedule.  If anyone is a domestic diva with experience balancing a full-time work schedule, 6 day a week workouts, and 3 children ages 8 and under; all while keeping a house livable, food on the table and kids bathed, I'd welcome and appreciate your assistance.

For now, the plan looks something like this.....
Monday, Wednesday and Friday---Swim in the mornings, getting to the gym at about 5:30 and swimming for 30 to 45 minutes.  In the evenings after the kids are in bed, I will be doing Turbo Jam, from Beach Body.

Tuesday and Thursday---I will be doing short jogs of 30 minutes, with a 5k on every Saturday until I get my 5k time under 35 minutes, at which point I will start a half marathon training plan of some sort.

This should leave me "free" during the weekday evenings to work on housework, etc.  I'm going to have a cleaning/painting party at my house the week of June 25 if anyone feels the undying urge to help me clean my house from top-to-bottom, you are more than welcome to come help.....

Here's to laying the foundation for a life-long change....I want this so bad, and it is so worth fighting for, I just need to figure out how to make it fit MY life.


  1. You have made the first step--identifing the problem. I know you can do this. It won't be easy or fast, but it will be WORTH IT!!!

  2. You can do this! A word of wisdom, you are a busy lady. Your plan looks intense knowing how busy you are. I know you can do it, but I want to remind you that there will be days you won't get it all done. That's okay! And normal! (there are plenty of days I don't get it all done either!). Just remember this on those "off" days, and allow yourself a bad day, and get right back on the boat the next time it comes around. Relentless forward progress. If you fall down, get back up. You've got this!
