So, I don't know if every CrossFit Box does this, but at CrossFit APX, when it is your birthday, you apparently get to write the WOD (I didn't get to because I was out for a month around my birthday, so I'm not exactly sure of the process). At any rate, Today was John's birthday, and he was turning 49, which is reason for a WOD from Hell!!!
First, we took 10 minutes to find our 1 rep max push press, one of my favorite lifts. Tonight we didn't have to clean the bar to get it into position, we racked it, which meant I was able to do a lot more weight than normal. I ended up maxing out at 135#. I attempted 140# and got it over my head, but not locked out, so it doesn't count.
Now for the WOD....ugh!!
49 ab-mat sit-ups
49 walking lunges
49 jumping pull-ups
49 kettle bell swings
49 knees to elbows
49 burpees
***Once we got done with the burpees, we were to go back up the ladder, so 49 Knees to elbows, 49 kettle bell swings, 49 jumping pull-ups, 49 walking lunges, 49 ab mat sit-ups.
I made it to the end of the burpees, and sat down on the box I was using to put my hands on. There was a 30 minute limit to the WOD, and after finishing the burpees, I was already at 27:30. Let's be honest, there was no way in hell I was going to get through the rest of the WOD and I was hot, tired, and worn out. Juice, our new coach said, "Get up, there's nothing happening down there." I shook my head, told him no and said, "I'm done." He said, "OK, I guess you're the one that needs to look at yourself in the mirror when you get home." It was like he had come over and kicked the box I was sitting on. By the time this happened we were at 29 minutes, so I hopped up, and ended up busting out 25 of the knees to elbows.
Why do I keep quitting on myself? Why to I think that is the best I deserve? I don't know, but I think it's about damn time to find out. The very best part of this workout was looking to my side and seeing my husband. It took me 9 months to convince him to try out CrossFit, and he says after last night, it will likely be another 9 months before he goes back. He can't bend over, his hamstrings and quads are really screaming at him. I love having my baby with me and by my side supporting me. He truly does give me strength to push myself further knowing he is there.
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