So, tonight was probably one of the WODs that I have been most capable of completing. I still had to modify some stuff, but I feel like I accomplished something tonight.
We had 2 WODs
The first WOD as 12 minutes, every minute on the minute you were to do 5 pull ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats. I of course had to use the red band to assist me with pull-ups, my push-ups were the girlie kind, and I was able to do the air squats w/o modification. If at any point you couldn't finish those 30 movements w/in one minute this WOD turned into an AMRAP. I was only on the minute for the first 2 minutes, and then I couldn't keep up. I ended up completing a total of 7 rounds in the 12 minutes.
The second WOD was all about abs. Maybe if I do this WOD every day, first thing in the morning for the next 7 months I'll have a beach body by next June......So we started with 20 Russian twists (10# medicine ball, rest on your tail bone, feet off the floor twist from one side to the other touching the medicine ball on the floor. After this, did 15 reverse ab-mat sit-ups and then 10 Toes to Bar. For me, the Russian twists required that my feet be on the floor, The reverse ab-mat sit-ups, then I can't begin to do Toes to Bar, but I am starting to get the swinging part down, and got my kicks almost up to my waist level. I need to find a way to keep my hands from hurting so badly when I'm doing things like pull-ups, Knees to elbows, Toes to Bars, etc. I need to get some weight-lifting gloves and maybe some warmer workout gear when I get paid at the end of the month.
Finally, here is a picture of part of the team of amazing folks who are helping me to change my life. Tyler is one of the coaches at the box, and is awesome. He is always very encouraging, without being in my face screaming. He knows when I need to keep pushing and when I truly don't have anything left to give. Andrea is an inspiration in what she has been able to accomplish in her own life. You can read more about her personal story here. I don't know that I'll do it justice if I try to re-tell it. These people, as well as the other coaches at APX, John N., Dan, John J. and Pete have never made me feel like I let them down or should have done better. This truly is an awesome family.
I also have to give a shout out to my normal 5:30 buddies, Shaade, Ivan, Jon P., Tucker, Megan. Nichole, Looking forward to seeing you at 5:30 on a regular basis going forward. You are all helping me to find the person and see in the mirror the person that everyone else I have known for years has always told me was there, even though I never believed them. Thank you to all of you for being part of my journey and tolerating my being a work in progress. And to Karen and Georgia, you ladies inspire me, and I love you both.
I will also say that for the next couple of weeks, I am going to make sure that I am eating at least 3 meals/day. This seems like it should be obvious/automatic/easy, but for me, it is none of the above. I ate about half of my breakfast this morning, then I ate a sub from Jersey Mike's for lunch, using the cheese as the bread and throwing the bread in the trash. I had some popcorn shrimp and mac and cheese for dinner. I realize these aren't the best food choices, but they are calories that I am taking in, and I am trying to take the steps to making sure I eat every day. Once I get paid again, I'll be doing everything possible to eat Custom Fit Meals Paleo meals 3 meals/day, 5 days/week for the months of November and December. I'm also going to start working with Next Level Nutrition on supplements during those same 2 months and seeing if I can't get myself turned around. I've been working out now for 3 months, and am hoping and praying that having mastered that part already, it will be easier to focus on the food and put the workouts on cruise-control.
I also want to take this moment to thank every single person who is supporting me and sharing positive feedback with me on this blog and on my FB page. You are all amazing, and helping to keep me motivated.
Inspirational blog. I look forward to reading about your journey. I started CF T the end of August and am obsessed!