Oh, for the love of all things, holy, tonight was TOUGH!!
Tonight's WOD was a tough one, but if felt so good to be back at the box. Good to see Andrea back at the box, and got to WOD with some of my favorite CrossFit Friends, Jeff and Karen! Good to see some of my friends and cheer them on as they finished up the 5:30 class.
So, after our warm-up, we had to work on getting our 1 time max box jump height. I have been doing the 12" box with a 10# plate on top of it, about 13" for my regular box jumps. I attempted 19", but couldn't quite get my head right mentally, and never pulled it off, but I did pull off 17".
10 Kettle Bell Swings (I used 26#)
run 200 meters
15 KB swings
run 200 meters
20 KB swings
Run 200 meters
25 KB swings
Run 200 meters
25 KB swings
Run 100 meters
20 KB swings
Run 100 meters
15 KB swings
Run 100 meters
10 KB swings
Run 100 meters
I finished in 22:33 For the record, the first 200 meters I ran all of, which was a first for me. Yes, I can do 10 miles of a half marathon, and have even done 12.5 miles, but that is when I'm doing nothing but running/walking. Start throwing in weights and resistance training intermittently, and i get gassed even faster. I still did all of the running distance that was rx, didn't scale anything except the weight of the KB. We were supposed to use 35#, but I'm just not quite there yet. I am VERY proud that I was able to do all of the running without scaling it back.
100 sit-ups
My combined time for the WOD and Cash Out was 30:50. I was really hoping to finish in under 30 minutes, but all things considered, I'm pretty proud of how it went.
The good news is, since the kiddos are going to be out of town this week, I am going to see if I can't make it to the box every night but Friday (Justin has a game on Friday). I am also thinking I might do swimming/running in the morning, WODs in the evening this week...maybe give my exercise/weight loss a swift kick in the ass.
Till next time!
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