The Incredible Shrinking Krista

Saturday, July 21, 2012

the aftermath...

Holy cats, that was NO JOKE!  So, my first WOD went something like this:

Warm up: for 6 minutes, AMRAP at 80%: (I finished 5 sets, but was at more than 80% for sure)
8 burpees
8 push/presses with a plate (mine was 10#)
8 air squats

WOD: 30 minute time limit
Use a bar w/weight (mine was 40#) do 50 m out and back walking lunges at full-depth with bar racked on your shoulders/back.  Anyone stopping has to do 3 shoulder presses.

Out & back with a plate overhead, walking lunges at full depth
1600 m carrying a Kettle bell (mine was 12.3#), after every 400 m, do 45 kettle bell swings.

As with all Cross Fit WODs they can be scaled back based upon your ability level.  I was only able to complete 600 meters, total and 135 Kettle Bell swings.

I couldn't decide for a few minutes if I was going to pass out or throw up.  If you know me at all, vomiting is not something I do.  I didn't do it when I was pregnant.  I don't believe in it.  I was waiting for it to happen and trying to figure out the best place to do it while I was doing my Kettle Bell swings.  On my second 200 out and back, I detoured to the car for my inhaler; definitely required for a muggy gross day like today.  There I was, Kettle Bell in hand, reaching into the car for my inhaler.  I'm going to start writing down my food and working with Andrea toward a Paleo diet.  She suggested we work on 1 meal at a time, once I get breakfast good and comfortable, start switching lunch over, then dinner.  THat seems really obvious, but I'd never though about doing it that way.

Last thing I want to say is that I've always heard about the "Cross Fit Community".  I really got that feeling today, that I was part of a community of people there to work together and meet their fitness/health goals.  I was being encouraged and applauded for my efforts, so much so that I was on the verge of tears.  It is such a difficult task to undertake, and encouragement means EVERYTHING!

I am so excited for what the future holds for me, and to see how this changes both me and my body.


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